The 5th Greece International Film Festival is coming with screenings of the best films. The GIFF is a screening festival that will take place in a live audience in Athens.

We are a team of filmmakers, producers and distributors and we have been professionally involved in cinema and theater for over 25 years.
The Best Short, Mid-Length and Feature Film of the Festival will win the Greek Trophy's and will be awarded to the directors at the closing ceremony.

The ultimate goal of the GIFFestival is to make it accessible to everyone.
Greece International Film Festival provides Trophys, Honorable Mentions and Laurels to the best projects of the participants.

The tradition of awarding a laurel wreath to the winner began in the Pythias at Delphi in Greece in, the 6th century BC.
They were organized in honor of the god Apollo, who usually appeared with a laurel wreath in memory of the nymph Daphne who transformed herself into a plant to escape his amorous moods. The plant was named "Daphne".

The International Film Festival of Greece opens its doors to the audience for the fifth time to present domestic and international films, videos, screenplays and theatrical plays .

The last events of the festival took place on 28th of September in the center of Athens with screenings at the historic Cinema "Iris" (Cinema Sector), and  hosted short and feature films from around the world. The festival screened fiction films, documentaries and animations by Greek and foreign directors with free entrance. A significant number of films had their world, European and Greek premieres in Greece. Also participating were selected cinematic-themed photographic works exhibited at the Festival on the days of the events.

The Greece International Film Festival aspires to function as a channel of communication between artists, directors, screenwriters and producers of the international and domestic film industry.

A special place in the activities of the GIFF is held by the Competition Department of Greek and International Short, Mid-Length, Feature Films, Music Video, Dance Video, Screenplays, Theatrical Plays, which supports new works of art to find their way and get to know their audience.


Το Διεθν苇ς Κινηματογραφικ蠈 Φεστιβ维λ της Ελλ维δος θα ανο委ξει για 5 φορ维 τις π蠈ρτες του στο κοιν蠈 και θα παρουσι维σει ταιν委ες της εγχ蠋ριας και παγκ蠈σμιας παραγωγ萎ς. Οι τελευτα委ες εκδηλ蠋σεις του φεστιβ维λ 苇λαβαν χ蠋ρα την 28η και 29η Σεπτεμβρ委ου στον Κινηματογραφικ蠈 Τομ苇α στην "ΙΡΙΔΑ", και φιλοξ苇νησε μικρο蠉, μεσα委ου και μεγ维λου μ萎κους ταιν委ες απ’ 蠈λο τον κ蠈σμο. Στο φεστιβ维λ προβλ萎θηκαν ταιν委ες μυθοπλασ委ας, ντοκιμαντ苇ρ και animation Ελλ萎νων και ξ苇νων σκηνοθετ蠋ν με δωρε维ν ε委σοδο. Σημαντικ蠈ς αριθμ蠈ς των ταινι蠋ν 苇καναν την παγκ蠈σμια, την ευρωπα蠆κ萎 και την ελληνικ萎 πρεμι苇ρα τους στη χ蠋ρα μας. Επ委σης, στο φεστιβ维λ συμμετε委χαν Music Video, Dance Video, Κινηματογραφικ维 Σεν维ρια και Θεατρικ维 Κε委μενα.

Το Greece International Film Festival φιλοδοξε委 να λειτουργ萎σει ως δ委αυλος επικοινων委ας μεταξ蠉 των καλλιτεχν蠋ν, των σκηνοθετ蠋ν, των σεναριογρ维φων και των παραγωγ蠋ν της διεθνο蠉ς και εγχ蠋ριας κινηματογραφικ萎ς βιομηχαν委ας.

Μια ξεχωριστ萎 θ苇ση στις δρ维σεις του Greece International Film Festival καταλαμβ维νει το Διαγωνιστικ蠈 Τμ萎μα Ελληνικ蠋ν και Διεθν蠋ν Ταινι蠋ν Μικρο蠉, Μεσα委ου και Μεγ维λου Μ萎κους, Κινηματογραφικ蠋ν Σεναρ委ων και Θεατρικ蠋ν Κειμ苇νων, το οπο委ο υποστηρ委ζει τα ν苇α καλλιτεχν萎ματα 蠋στε να βρουν τον δρ蠈μο τους και να συναντ萎σουν το κοιν蠈 τους.